JIRCAS MAIL MAGAZINE, NO. 32 (JUNE 2022) admin_apaari June 29, 2022


Today, June 29, is “International Tropical Day”.

The words “international” and “tropical” correspond to JIRCAS, which was first established in 1970 as the Tropical Agricultural Research Center.

Since its establishment, JIRCAS has been conducting experimental research to improve technology related to agriculture, forestry, and fisheries in tropical and subtropical regions.

This issue features the latest topics, new technologies, and research results of JIRCAS.

  • Latest Topics
  • JIRCAS Publishes BFMgh and BFMbf, Support Programs for Farm Management Planning Targeting Ghana and Burkina Faso The Builder of Farming Model (BFM) is a program that facilitates local smallholder farmers to make efficient decisions, including technology selection, to support the preparation of optimal farming plans. BFMgh is an English language program developed for Ghana and BFMbf is a French language program developed for Burkina Faso.
  • New Technologies and Research Outputs

    The JIRCAS Tropical Agriculture Research Front (TARF) conducts research related to the tropics and subtropics, taking advantage of the climate in Ishigaki Island, Okinawa where it is located. With today’s celebration of International Day of the Tropics, we would like to introduce a technology developed at TARF.

  • Development of a simple shoot-tip grafting method for virus-free passion fruit


    With the increase in passion fruit cultivation in Japan, outbreaks of virus diseases have become a problem. Passion fruit is mainly propagated by nutritional propagation from cuttings, which makes it easy for virus infection to spread. The newly developed technology does not require aseptic manipulation or special facilities, and can be tested for viruses approximately two months after treatment, making it easy to introduce the technology in the field.

    • Call for Submissions

    We welcome submission of articles on events overseas, timely local information, etc.

    To submit an article, please include your affiliation, name (anonymous is OK), and the title of the article to koho-jircas@ml.affrc.go.jp

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    Edited and Published by
    Information and Public Relations Office
    Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences (JIRCAS)
    1-1 Ohwashi, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8686, Japan https://www.jircas.go.jp/en

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